Sexual Health Clinic Glasgow

We are a Glasgow based Sexual Health Clinic, providing testing and treatment for the main STIs/STDs, including HIV, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis and Chlamydia.

100% Confidential & Fast Results

The following STI options are available at our clinic:

Tests for the most common sexual transmitted diseases to give an overview of sexual health.
Suitable for: Sexually active people with no symptoms or risk factors looking to monitor or maintain good sexual health.
Results back in 2-3 days
Testing for:
Blood tests: HIV 1&2/p24 antigen, Syphilis IgG/IgM
Urine tests: Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea

A comprehensive assessment of sexual health for those with risk factors.
Suitable for: Patients who are showing symptoms of a sexually transmitted disease. A full diagnostic of all major sexually transmitted infections to identify and treat sexual health problems.
Fees: £380 
Results back in 4-5 days
Testing for:
Blood tests: HIV 1&2/p24 antigen, Hep B surface Antigen, Hep C Abs/Ag, Syphilis IgG/IgM
Urine tests: Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea, Mycoplasma genitalium, Ureaplasma, Trichomonas vaginalis, Gardnerella vaginalis, Herpes Simplex I/II

All the above tests could be carried out separately by request.

Before the appointment
Please do not pass urine for two hours before your appointment.

During the appointment 
Our Doctor will discuss the history of your symptoms and concerns.
You will be advised of all costs and expected result times.

The necessary swabs, blood or urine samples will be taken.

After the appointment
Your samples will be taken directly to our local laboratory. 
Any positive results can be treated/managed and a chargeable follow up consultation would be indicated.
We can e-mail you the results after discussing it with you.

If you feel you have been exposed to the virus or have taken part in any ‘high risk’ activities (such as unprotected sex or sharing contaminated needles) you should consider getting tested.
Completely confidential, we offer fast results from accredited testing laboratories.

We offer the HIV DUO test, 28 Day HIV Testing for exposures occurring 28 days before your HIV test. Results expected within 48 hours.

During the appointment
- Our Doctor will discuss the history of your symptoms and concerns.
- You will be advised of all costs and expected result times (48 hours).
- A blood sample will be taken.

After the appointment
- Your samples will be taken directly to our local laboratory.
- Results are usually available within 48 hours. We can email you the results after discussing it with you.
- If you test positive a follow up consultation will be indicated.

Cost of HIV Test: £150 (appointment fee included)

We provide a private service offering cervical smears and also the HPV vaccination.

A cervical smear test (the Papanicolaou test is known as a Pap smear, Pap test, cervical smear, or smear test), is a method of detecting abnormal (potentially pre-cancerous) cells and cancerous processes in the cervix in order to prevent cervical cancer. The cervix is the entrance to the womb from the vagina. Combined with cervical screening, the HPV vaccination is also an important step towards preventing cervical cancer.

What Does A Cervical Smear Test Involve?
A private appointment for a cervical smear test takes around 15 minutes. We process and return your results within 3 to 4 working days.

HPV testing is also included with our cervical smear test.

Having a regular screen means that any abnormal changes in the cells of the cervix can be identified at an early stage and, if necessary, treated to stop cancer developing.

It is estimated that early detection and treatment can prevent up to 75% of cervical cancers.

Cost of Cervical Smear: £220 (appointment fee included)

BCG / Mantoux (TB) Test
If you are at risk of contracting tuberculosis (TB), we can provide the Mantoux screening test and the BCG vaccination which gives between 70%-80% protection against the disease.

TB is a potentially lethal infection caused by a bacterium called mycobacterium tuberculosis. It primarily attacks the lungs. The BCG vaccine is given as a single dose following a ‘negative’ Mantoux test. You should consider getting tested and vaccinated if:
You have been in contact with those suffering from TB
You are travelling to and from countries with a high level of TB
You work in the health care professions

If you represent a company, we can advise you on the best approach to employee vaccinations.

How it works
When you come in for your treatment we will discuss the test and vaccination with you and make you as comfortable and calm as possible.

You will first have the Mantoux test. This involves a single injection into the arm. You may experience mild itching or swelling
You will have to return exactly two days later for us to ‘read’ the reaction
If your Mantoux test is negative, you will be given your BCG vaccination
A small red spot will usually develop within a few weeks of the vaccination; this will heal to form a small scar
If your Mantoux test comes back positive you will require a chest X-ray, which we can organise with the Nuffield private hospital

Cost of TB Testing (Mantoux Test) - £100 (appointment fee included)
Cost of TB Vaccine / BCG Vaccination - £100 (appointment fee included)

Sexual Health Clinic Glasgow

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